About Me

I am Maximilian from Helsinki, a highly skilled Senior Software Engineer with over eight years of experience specializing in DevOps, infrastructure, and automation. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated my expertise by leading projects at top companies such as Teamspective, SOK, and Reaktor. My technical proficiency spans a diverse array of tools and technologies, including AWS, Terraform, Python, Go, and TypeScript. My role at Reaktor involved designing and implementing scalable solutions for high-profile clients like Supercell and Varian, showcasing my ability to deliver robust, secure, and efficient systems.

My professional journey is marked by continuous learning and a commitment to agile methodologies. I hold certifications in Scrum (A-CSM® and CSPO®) and have enhanced my leadership skills through the Team Builder Academy. At Reaktor, I played a pivotal role in junior recruitment, mentoring, and team-building initiatives, further refining my ability to foster productive and dynamic work environments. I thrive in small, independent teams that utilize agile practices, believing that close collaboration leads to the best outcomes.

In addition to my technical and leadership skills, my educational background in Computer Science from the University of Helsinki has equipped me with a solid foundation in software development and systems engineering. I am passionate about leveraging cutting-edge technologies to solve complex problems and drive innovation. With a comprehensive skill set that includes Python, Go, Rust, and modern web technologies, I am well-prepared to tackle new challenges and contribute to the success of any forward-thinking organization.



  • Teamspective (2024/2–2024/05): Senior Software Engineer
    • AWS, Terraform, Python, TypeScript, Node.js, React, Postgres.
    • Creating and setting up AWS organisation and a data engineering platform.
  • SOK (2023/10–2024/2): Senior DevOps Engineer
    • AWS, Terraform, Go, Docker, GitLab, Next.js, TypeScript, Python, DynamoDB.
  • Reaktor (2019/12–2023/10): Senior Infrastructure and Automation Engineer
    • AWS, Terraform, Python, Go, Node.js, TypeScript, Azure, Docker, GitHub Actions, DynamoDB.
    • Worked at clients such as Supercell, Varian, Kesko, and Orion; designing, building, and implementing scalable and secure solutions using multiple different software and cloud environments.
    • Graduated from Team Builder Academy, improving and training my interpersonal and team leading skills.
    • Completed the Advanced Certified Scrum Master (A-CSM®) and Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO®) certifications.
    • Continued my work on Reaktor’s junior recruitment: designing pre-assignments, general planning, screening applications, interviewing people, making hiring decisions, collecting feedback on the employees, and many other things.
  • Reaktor (2017/9–2019/12): System Specialist
    • AWS, Python, Terraform, CloudFormation, Docker, Ansible, MariaDB, Kafka.
    • During this time I worked at clients such as adidas, OP, and Elisa developing custom solutions for the customers needs using agile methods.
    • In addition to the customer work, I was also part of the summer recruitment team, our internal diversity and inclusivity team, and helped with the students cooperation (excursions etc.).
  • Gofore (2017/3–2017/9): System Specialist
    • During my time at Gofore I worked for a large Finnish client developing a PaaS solution.
  • Kuka (2016/5–2016/3): Software Developer
    • Development and design of a full-stack application.
  • McDonald’s (2014/2–2015/8): Restaurant Worker
    • Customer service, preparing food, and maintaining of cleanliness.
  • Fantomatico (2012/5–2012/10): Software Developer
    • Software development with Adobe Flash and ActionScript 3, batch processing of photos in Adobe Photoshop.
  • Fantomatico (2011/6–2011/7): Summer Assistant
    • Editing photos in Adobe Photoshop and debugging software.


I’m comfortable with a wide range of languages and tools. When given the choice I prefer to program with Go, Rust, or Python. I am also proficient in web technologies such as JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML, and CSS.

  • AWS, Terraform, CloudFormation, AWS CDK, Ansible, Packer.
  • Linux, Windows, Docker, GitHub Actions.
  • Python, Go, Rust, TypeScript, JavaScript, Bash.
  • React, Next.js, FastAPI.
  • DynamoDB, S3, SQS, Postgres, SQLite, Kafka.

I prefer to work in small independent teams that use agile methodologies, preferably with the whole team sitting in the same room most of the days.


  • Computer Science, University of Helsinki (2013-2017)
    • TKO-äly: Member of the Board (2016 and 2017)
  • Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Visual Arts (2010-2013)
  • Languages:
    • Finnish: Native
    • English: Excellent Spoken and Written

Other Experience and Certifications

  • Team Builder Academy (Tiimijohtamisen akatemia)
  • Advanced Certified Scrum Master (A-CSM®)
  • Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO®)
  • Volunteer at UltraHack (2015/11)
  • Military Service in the Finnish Defence Forces (2013/6 - 2013/12): Engineer with specialization in Communications